Sunday, January 24, 2010

Kseniya Simonova's Amazing Sand Drawing

Kseniya Simonova's Amazing Sand Drawing

This is amazing! Would be a great anticipation activity before studying WWII!

Stimulate your brain!

If you haven't yet - check out it has awesome brain games and teasers and great stuff to challenge that mass under your hair!!!!

Saturday, January 23, 2010


FORT beat West Ashley by 1 pt in a last second thriller last night! It was awesome - that's what sports are all about -and how bout the future baseball star who chose priesthood instead - ok Colts - that's what sports are about - intensity - honor - not bench your best player for a few million benjamins!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ok - so it's 3 am & i'm awake! craziness! had a glorious nap earlier - hmmm

well this weekend held the beginning of life as i watched a dear friend's daughter marry the love of her life and another dear friend lose her brother in his fight with cancer -- --

ready for a week of team-teaching low country history, basketball games & wrestling matches - go PATRIOTS!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Ok - soooooo let's talk BENCHMARK! The purpose of a benchmark is to see where you are - "where u at" as the kids say! The purpose of knowing "where we at" is so we can "git where we goin" - ergo . . . why do teachers hate benchmarks? They provide a valuable resource to determine where we need to spruce up our instruction. hmmmmm . . .